Wednesday 4 April 2012

From San Pedro de Atacama to Bolivian Salt Flats in Bolivia

A week ago, I started a mind blowing 3 day 4 x 4 trip through the Atacama desert in Chile up to Uyuni in Bolivia. At first I thought the only highlight would be the Bolivian Salt flats, but the whole trip was just so out of this world I just had to write about it.

I took the trip with Estrella del Sur agency, who I seriously recommend. If you are ever thinking of taking this trip then choose your company carefully or you could end up with a drunk driver and a 4x4 that constantly breaks down, which obviously isn't ideal in the middle of the desert.  Our driver, Pedro was brilliant, he didn't speak much English but knew his stuff and had a great sense of humour as well as the best 80's and 90's soundtrack EVER (Imagine.. sitting in a 4x4, looking out the window with nothing but volcanoes, lagoons and sand whilst belting out 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' by Bonnie Tyler, oh I forgot, 'Shy Guy' by Diana King.. Classic).

 Bolivia is such a beautiful country, I seriously don't know why more people don't go there. The landscape is just indescribable. you really feel like you are on another planet..  a red lagoon? Impossible!  Unexplained rock formations? Crazy! Let's not also forget the largest salt flats in the world. Anyway, instead of me trying to explain, here are just a few pictures to give you a taste of the things I saw.

Laguna Verde - it may not look very green here, but trust me, it was!

Geysers (Spitting out extremely hot steam from the nearby active Ollague Volcano) Tourists have died from falling into one of these things.

Laguna Colorada- This Lake was red from the microrganisms that attracted hundreds and hundreds of flamingos. Spectacular!

Arbol de Piedra - This strange volcanic rock formation was created by years of strong winds and a harsh desert climate (including sun and extreme snow falls).

 Turquoise Lagoon, aka the Black lagoon

Train Cemetery- a playground of abandoned trains that the English gave to the Bolivians. Unfortunately the trains weren't of good quality and weren't in service for more than 30 years.

Sunrise on the Uyuni Salt Flats

Look! A hotel made completely out of salt.. can you believe it?!? lol.

I came across a dinosaur on the salt flats, it was either fight or flee.. I chose to fight!

Workers on the salt flats, work incredibly hard just for enough money to survive. Think about perhaps paying more for you salt the next time you are in a supermarket..

This sums up my trip! There were plenty more beautiful sights but I hope you all enjoyed these pictures.

Until the next post! Ama x